3 Nutrients For Deep Slumber & How to Get More of Them
/Everything in the body requires nutrients to work… including your slumber! 😴
Nutrients = information, which informs your body how to function. Without them your body will start to show signs of dysfunction. Kind of like when your car shows warning lights on your dashboard that it’s missing critical components (air in tires, gas, clean oil, battery/energy) required to keep it moving forward.
Symptoms are your body’s warning lights asking you to look deeper. This is true for sleep too. Not being able to sleep is your body’s way of asking you for extra love and support. What is missing? Where are you out of alignment?
Not being able to fall asleep or even waking up in the middle of the night can often be linked to nutrient insufficiencies. Take a look to learn 3 nutrients that are required for awesome moods, energy and sleep!
My dog Finny sleeping like a champ
Magnesium: In addition to supporting melatonin synthesis, magnesium helps regulate stress hormones and promotes relaxation via stimulating the brain’s receptors for GABA, a calming neurotransmitter.
Magnesium is difficult to get from food, because of poor soil health due to conventional agricultural practices so I typically always recommend Magnesium to clients. However, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, black beans, brown rice, and edamame are all good sources of magnesium if the soil in which they’re grown is nutrient dense.
Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is required to make serotonin which is a feel good, relaxing neurotransmitter that also converts to Melatonin! It promotes good mental health AND sleep. There’s even some evidence that suggests it can affect our dreams - great news for those of us who like accessing our subconscious minds!
Foods high in B6: Bananas, carrots, spinach, potatoes are great sources of B6, as are milk, eggs, cheese, fish, and whole grains. If you’re considering a B6 supplement, it’s important to work with your health care provider to find the right dose. Too much can be toxic. Don’t take B6 in the evening or you might be up all night!
Vitamin B12: A healthy Circadian rhythm is the key to great sleep and several studies have demonstrated that B12 is involved in regulating sleep-wake cycles by helping to keep circadian rhythms in sync. This may be due to its effect on the phase of circadian rhythm and light sensitivity (we are regulated by light!!).
Vitamin B12 is found in animal protein dietary sources, including dairy, eggs, meat, fish and shellfish. I recommend avoiding B12 supplementation in the evening/night or you may be up all night!
When it comes to sleep or any other area of health, I always recommend lifestyle first. These nutrients can all be obtained through food. However, if you’re digestion is poor, you have genetic SNP’s (variants), excess stress, then supplementation may be necessary for you while you address the root cause. I invite you to connect with myself or another practitioner to help you address your imbalances so you can finally live the life your soul has intended!
This blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone.
Always be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner before implementing new recommendations and/or supplements.