My health story goes way back…. from the time I was 2.
Throughout my life I have struggled with numerous symptoms such as constipation, insomnia, eczema, fatigue, memory issues, horrible PMS, muscle and joint pain, seasonal allergies. I thought experiencing all of these was normal - didn’t everyone feel like crap most of the time? In my childhood years I went on allergy meds, had allergy shots, took loads of Aleve for muscle and joint pain and at 19 I went on birth control to “manage my PMS symptoms.”
My boyfriend and I moved to Amsterdam in 2010 and within 3 months of the transition, my symptoms started worsening. I began experiencing sharp/shooting belly pains, chronic sinus infections, chronic yeast infections, blurry vision, dizziness, debilitating joint pain! Amsterdammer’s ride their bikes as their main mode of transportation and I couldn’t even ride mine due to the excruciating pain in my tail bone. That pain soon traveled down into my left knee and I was left not being able to walk. I saw my “huisarts” or GP, I saw a Physical therapist, I had an MRI, and no one could help me. It wasn’t until one day I was climbing up our steep Amsterdam steps to our apartment where I decided to make a change. That day I got so dizzy I almost fell down the stairs and realized I could’ve had a serious injury - if not fatal. I called a nutritionist as soon as I walked in the door - and my life hasn’t been the same since.
3 years later, we got married, moved back to the US, bought a house, and I started two new jobs. My body couldn’t keep up with the demands I was putting it through and my health took a turn for the worst. I could no longer sleep. On a good night, I slept for 2 hours a night. My digestion completely shut down, my hormones shut down (except cortisol was through the roof), my whole body shut down. I honestly thought I was dying.
My healing has been an evolving journey and thankfully, I have uncovered what’s been at the root of those symptoms - mold toxicity, candida overgrowth, Lyme disease and EBV. Healing is an ongoing journey and supporting the damage done to my gut, my hormones, thyroid and adrenals as well as the PTSD from the whole story will continue to be the forefront of my mind.
Without this experience and the learning’s I have acquired (personally and through formal education), I would not be able to be of service to others who are also experiencing similar situations. Navigating “mystery” symptoms can be isolating and overwhelming and no one should ever feel that way.
“It’s my vision to have a world where the patient/client is listened to, honored & respected. A world where healthcare is practiced out of love vs. greed”
Heather’s personal and professional studies in holistic health include: nutrients and targeted supplementation, functional blood chemistry analysis, mind-emotional-body connection, adrenal and thyroid health, anxiety, depression and mood imbalances, gastrointestinal and gut imbalance, headaches and migraines, autoimmune disease, hormone balance, metabolic dysfunction, and more.
She is trained in functional lab testing including: hormone and adrenal testing via the DUTCH test, stool analysis, food sensitivities, micronutrients, and advanced blood chemistry analysis.
She’s also trained in Bioresonance testing and uses it on herself as well.
Heather is particularly passionate about helping highly sensitive and empathic women who are spiritually minded to empower them to release the noise and live authentically free. Though, everyone’s birth right is optimal health so she supports all women. She believes that each person’s body and life is uniquely beautiful and thus the healing approach for them should be personalized and tailored to their needs. The body reflects what’s happening in the mental, emotional and life systems and because of this Heather focuses on each of these aspects with her clients and has been evidenced through her 6 years of coaching. Heather’s clients have been able to come off medicines, reverse dis-ease dynamics, regain their vitality and optimize their health and life. She works with clients throughout the country, both in person and virtually!
B.S. Interior Design - North Dakota State University
M.A. HR and Change Leadership - St. Thomas University
Training in Co-Active Coaching - Coaches Training Institute
Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach - Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Applied Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner - School of Applied Functional Medicine
Certified Usui Reiki Master