In order to understand chronic stress (emotional, mental or physiological), you first have to trace them to their roots.

Did you know that our body is made up of energy that is measurable? This process uses bioenergetic testing, which has the ability to read the energetic resonance that flows from hair and saliva samples. Bioresonance measures the energetic balance or imbalance to various factors. It is a non-invasive energetic analysis that has the ability to detect ongoing stress. Bioenergetic testing measures the body’s energetic reaction to various substances and gives you information to make changes in a positive direction. It is a compliment to traditional testing that uses blood/urine/stool samples. Or is a great alternative for when you are ready to take a new approach to understanding your health.

How do you know what bio-energetic testing is right for?

  • Complicated and often changing symptoms

  • Curious if there’s an unsuspecting organism present

  • Suspecting a specific hormone imbalance

  • Wanting to test food sensitivities

  • To confirm a specific organ needs strengthening or detoxing

  • Suspecting a nutritional deficiency

  • Significant emotional or behavioral issues

Each hair and saliva analysis tests for:

  • Cellular stress on internal organs and systems

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • 600 food and environmental sensitivities

  • Toxins (bacteria, molds, chemicals, viruses, metals, parasites)

  • Regimen consisting of herbs, homeopathic remedies and nutritional supplements

Credit: jijomathai - Copyright: ©jijomathai -

Credit: jijomathai - Copyright: ©jijomathai -

Here’s how it works: Once you order your preferred scan, we send out a collection kit and instructions to your house which you then return with a hair sample and saliva sample. Once we begin scanning, we analyze the energy of the hair and saliva that will be depicted in your report. You’ll then receive an email notification to view your results on your dashboard. Also included is a complimentary consult with me or a Balanced Health practitioner walking through your results and regimen.

If you'd like to pursue this opportunity, please feel free to click here to purchase your scan and use Namaste at the checkout to receive $5 off. 


**Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Balanced Health. As an affiliate, you will receive a $5 discount on all scans and I receive $10 commission.