Thyroid dysfunction is a silent and often undiagnosed epidemic. No matter what you do, do you continue to struggle with low energy, perhaps weight gain, fatigue, depressed, feeling cold, and maybe elevated LDL cholesterol? You are likely among the millions who suffer from poor thyroid function!
More than one in 10 individuals will develop a thyroid condition in their lifetime*
Women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems*
Undiagnosed thyroid disease may put individuals at risk for certain serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and infertility*
However, thyroid dysfunction is often a symptom or result of a deeper underlying problem!
In this interactive webinar, we will discuss:
Why the conventional standard of care labs are not sufficient and are often misleading
Identify thyroid dysfunction and why despite conventional treatment, many continue to be symptomatic and how to address unacknowledged root causes.
Determine nutrient and supplement considerations in supporting optimal thyroid
Explain common modern lifestyle factors, and how/why they can affect hormone activity.